AI Search

Fast and precise results on large and complex data volumes

Revolutionize your information search with the AI Search from CONTEXTSUITE

With CONTEXTSUITE’s AI Search, you can set new standards in information search.

Our powerful, AI-supported search technology not only enables you to search large amounts of data across different sources in a targeted manner, but also delivers highly precise and semantically sound results that go beyond simple word searches.

Precision through semantics

Traditional search methods often reach their limits as they are based on the exact match of keywords.

But data is complex and content is often multi-layered. AI Search from CONTEXTSUITE recognizes the meaning behind the content and enables you to perform a semantic search that captures the context and intent behind your queries.

Instead of limiting themselves to specific terms, our algorithms understand and interpret language and deliver results that are truly relevant.

Linguistic precision

Our search goes far beyond the traditional text search. It analyzes the context of the content to identify the meaning of terms and thus provide you with more precise results.

This ability is particularly valuable when it comes to subject-specific content or ambiguous terms.

Filter by topics and entities

CONTEXSUITE’s semantic search solution allows you to filter information flexibly according to topics, domains or specific entities such as persons, organizations, standards or products.

This means you always have an overview and can find exactly the information you need.

Recognition of write variants

Our solution automatically takes into account different spellings, synonyms and language variants.

This means that you always see relevant results, even if the spelling varies, and no valuable information is lost.

Intelligent search suggestions and dynamic optimization

One of the features of CONTEXTSUITE’s AI Search is the dynamic, learning suggestion mechanism. This function optimizes your search queries by making intelligent suggestions based on your previous interactions and those of other users.

This continuously improves the search processes, giving you greater efficiency and accuracy.


Search optimization in real time

The learning mechanism adapts to your search patterns and suggests related topics, terms or categories.

This speeds up navigation through large amounts of data considerably.


Relevant proposals

The suggestions are not limited to keywords.

Our AI analyzes the semantic context of your search queries and delivers suggestions that really meet your information needs.


Automatic indexing and metadata enrichment

Our technology continuously indexes and expands metadata to make searches not only more precise, but also more intelligent.

This means that the search is always up-to-date and provides you with the most relevant information.

Meta data management for even more precise results

With our configurable editorial application, you can efficiently annotate, maintain and manage metadata.

This not only improves the quality of search results, but also supports the training of specific AI filters to develop customized search solutions.

Customized search solutions

Through the targeted enrichment and management of metadata, you can tailor the search results even more precisely to the needs of your organization.

This is particularly important if you have industry-specific requirements or need individual search parameters.

Trainable AI filters

With the help of specific AI filters, you can tailor the search function to specific data or requirements so that your users find exactly the information that is relevant to them.

Powerful recommendation systems for targeted results

CONTEXTSUITE’s AI Search goes beyond a simple search and offers you powerful recommendation systems based on semantic similarity.

Our AI-generated metadata enables precise recommendations that transcend system boundaries.

Content matching

The AI Search groups content objects according to semantic similarity.

This allows you to find related information quickly and effectively, even if it is spread across different platforms or systems.

Relevance adjustment

The AI not only uses content, but also takes into account structured data such as prices, popularity or geographical relevance to provide you with customized recommendations.

This is particularly useful for making relevant product suggestions in the e-commerce sector, for example.

Cross-system search

Thanks to CONTEXTSUITE’s advanced technology, you can integrate your search processes across different systems and platforms.

This ensures a uniform, consistent and precise search, regardless of where your data is stored.

Use the full power of AI Search

AI Search from CONTEXTSUITE offers you a powerful, flexible and state-of-the-art solution for searching large and complex data volumes.

It not only enables precise, semantic searches, but also offers intelligent suggestions, dynamic optimizations and powerful recommendation systems that help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Do you want to take the next step?
Contact our experts.

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