News | Munich | 17.09.2021

Digital business models for regional media companies - In search of the Holy Grail

The creeping end of the free culture offers media companies new opportunities to monetize their content. However, greater competitive pressure and users spoiled by hyperscalers demand intelligent and cost-efficient solutions.

In a presentation for decision-makers at German media companies, Dr. Heiko Beier, founder of MORESOPHYand professor of international media communication, will give an overview of existing and future application scenarios for artificial intelligence in the field of digital media – with a special focus on the editorial processes for planning, creating and publishing content to establish successful paid content models. Affordable and profitable, but still more than just click-bait and at the same time in compliance with data protection regulations. Prof. Beier shares his experience from projects with

specialist publishers as well as completely different industries with the same structural challenges (e.g. in customer service and churn management). A key recipe for sustainable success is the establishment of an overarching data strategy – for editorial, marketing and customer service and a process of machine-supported learning from all connected data sources.

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