Press release | Munich | 05.10.2022
Prize won: Best Technology - dpr award
The Munich-based technology company MORESOPHYreceives this year’s dpr award in the “Process / Technology” category for its outstanding achievements in the form of the CONTEXTCLOUDSaaS platform.
The award-winning solution is aimed at editorial teams and content strategists in all areas of the digital economy – from publishers and media companies to content creators in marketing and strategic corporate communications. It offers media professionals comprehensive insights into the thematic positioning and effectiveness of their own media offerings.
The award was presented on October 5 as part of the dpr Digital Conference. The award ceremony will take place at the Frankfurt Book Fair – on Thursday, October 20, 4 p.m., Hall 3.1, F35.

Unique language understanding as the basis for successful digital communication
It is becoming increasingly difficult for content providers to reach their target groups effectively in the flood of information on the Internet. With the help of CONTEXTCLOUD, media experts in publishing houses and corporate marketing and communications departments can now solve this problem by looking into the digital crystal ball. They quickly and reliably recognize what is important and receive a clear explanation of how and why via visual charts.
Behind this is an artificial intelligence developed by moresophy. For 20 years now, an interdisciplinary team of data experts and linguists at moresophy has been working on unique algorithms for comprehensive language understanding. To do this, the platform searches through large volumes of content on the WWW and identifies even the finest nuances in language and expression in hundreds of specialist domains and in different target groups.
moresophy convinced the jury of experts, which included representatives from Microsoft, Hubspot and the German Publishers and Booksellers Association. She emphasizes the high quality of the results and is impressed by what moresophy has been achieving for many years with a comparatively small team.
Solution for more transparency and quality in digital media – from quality journalism to contextual advertising
The value of the technology becomes particularly clear when it is viewed against the backdrop of current events. The Club of Rome sees “the most significant problem for our global society […] in the collective inability to distinguish between fact and fiction”. Our digital media system is based on business models that reward clicks and attention and unilaterally promote algorithmically controlled campaigns regardless of their quality and veracity. The moresophy technology makes the quality of media content measurable and comparable. It therefore provides the basis for data-driven business models that focus on quality and effectiveness.
“The award with the reference to the high quality of results is not only a reward for moresophy’s decades of pioneering work. Above all, it is a further incentive to help our customers and the entire digital media system achieve greater transparency and sustainability.”
Prof. Dr. Heiko Beier, Managing Director of moresophy GmbH
moresophy technology is used in all areas of the digital media value chain. It supports companies in researching markets and customer needs, content strategists in designing sustainable editorial concepts and advertising clients in the contextual playout and effectiveness analysis of their advertising messages.
The platform also makes it possible to identify risks in digital communication. It identifies hate speech and racist tendencies as well as aspects of sustainability and diversity. Accordingly, the technology is increasingly being used in the corporate environment for forensic purposes and to monitor compliance – for example in connection with the Supply Chain Act.